Want to keep chatting? I’d love that!

Carly, I’m an agent and simply MUST speak to you.

Darling, I’ve been dying to gab with you too. Please drop me a note below and I will get back to you shortly.*

*Truly, it’s going to be embarrassing for me how quickly I get back to you.

Carly, I’m a writer, can you help me?

Maybe! On my road to publication, I have stumbled upon so many brilliant debut authors and nothing thrills me more than beta reading something that I just know will get published and be loved by readers. I have a keen editor’s eye (not copy editing) and strongly believe honest feedback is the fastest way to progress. I can’t say yes to every request to beta read, but drop me a line and let’s see if we can make it happen.

 Areas of Interest: Really anything but I love to laugh, so if you’re funny this will probably work. I’m not the best match for Sci-Fi, High-Fantasy, or Poetry. I appreciate YA as a genre but am not highly read in it so might not be able to give you what you need.  Happy Writing!